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Books by Dr. Rufo

A white book cover with rainbow text that says "REIMAGINING SPECIAL EDUCATION: Using Inclusion as a Framework to Build Equity and Support All Students." Under the title, there is a graphic of an apple with rainbow colors.  The author's names are under the apple - "Jenna Mancini Rufo - Julie Causton"

There have always been students on the margins of what has been considered "normal" or "typical."  The ways we have underserved those students became more apparent in a post-pandemic world.  Now, schools have a unique opportunity to reflect on those challenges and and reimagine their practices.




  • Re-story students by focusing on their gifts and strengths rather than their deficits

  • Redesign instruction and assessment to be more flexible and better meet students’ unique needs

  • Restructure intervention frameworks to move away from sorting and labeling students and toward a flexible model that provides access to all

  • Revitalize co-teaching with tools and strategies for serving students with and without disabilities

  • Realign service delivery through inclusion facilitation and consultative supports

  • Rethink equity by creating a culture of belonging, dismantling exclusionary programs, and tackling individual and institutional biases


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Dr. Rufo  is also scheduling keynotes and professional development workshops around this topic.  Her uplifting keynote, "Fall In Love With Teaching Again: An Inclusive Mindset to Reclaim Joy in Teaching and Learning," is a visionary call to action.  She challenges educators to let go of practices that don’t serve students, and creating new routines and environments that meet the needs of every learner. This inspiring workshop uses inclusive education as a lever for positive change.  Email Jenna at to schedule today.

An image of the cover of the book, "Conquering Math Myths with Universal Design"

The teaching and learning of mathematics have long been haunted by myths.

  • The Math Person Myth: "Some people just aren't math people."

  • The Learning Gaps Myth: "We can't address grade-level content until students are caught up with their peers."

  • The Answer Getting Myth: "Math is all about getting the right answer."

  • The Rigor Myth: "Rigorous math instruction is only for advanced students—it's wasted on those at lower levels."

  • The Single Score Myth: "Paper-and-pencil tests are the only practical way to assess students' math knowledge."

  • The All Children, but . . . Myth: "Sure, we believe that all children can learn math—except . . ."


In Conquering Math Myths with Universal Design, we set out to dispel each of these myths, illuminating the path toward more inclusive and accessible math instruction that empowers students to learn, understand, and appreciate the value of mathematics in everyday life.  Concrete strategies that can be immediately applied to the math classroom are shared. Using UDL, you and your students will embrace the idea that we can all be "math people."




This book is available for pre-order from ASCD by clicking hereInterested in setting up a book study or training on UDL?  We got you covered.  Email Jenna at

An image of the cover of the book, "The Way To Inclusion"

The Way to Inclusion provides leaders with reflection tools on the inclusive change process.   The book outlines seven leadership milestones to help you reach your inclusive goals. 


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©2020 by Jenna Mancini Rufo, Empowered School Solutions LLC

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